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This section of our website is dedicated to prospective investors who have questions to ask us.


If you have questions, you will find answers in our comprehensive FAQ or shoot us an email at info@verifiedtraders.org

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Knowledge Center

Here is a list of our most frequently asked questions

Can I manage my own account?

Yes you can. In that case, you should contact us at info@verifiedtraders.org to discuss your trading signals or education needs. We have suitable signals/education plans for beginners who want to trade by themselves.

What is the minimum monthly returns

We guarantee at least 21.94% monthly returns. There are ups and downs but we manage to maintain consistent high returns for our investors.

Who makes the investment decisions?

Investment decisions are made by the investment team at Verified Traders. We occasionally work with domain experts to understand a prospective investment better.

What are your Fees?

Verified Traders charges a 1% annual management fee (1% of your portfolio value) and a 10% performance fee (a tenth of your profits).

How do I invest?

Post KYC checks, you can invest using any major payment gateway, wire transfer or Cryptocurrencies.

What's the minimum deposit/Investment?

The minimum initial investment is $2000. There is no threshold for follow-on investments.

What am I investing in?

Your money works for you in the financial markets. We invest your funds in Alternative assets like art, wine, equipment financing and others. Alternative assets have outperformed traditional assets like equity and bonds in the past. We use our expertise to help you invest in the best alternative assets out there.

Who can Invest?

We accept investments from global individual and institutional investors. Our company's structure is tax-friendly to international investors.

What does Verified Traders do?

We enable you to invest in global financial markets as well as alternative investments like art, wine, P2P lending, and more, with just $2000. Before we came along, investing in these assets was possible only for HNIs and institutional investors. We also offer trading education and signals packages.

Get in Touch !

We love to engage with you. Do not hesitate to ask us anything.